Repurposing & Vulnerable Communities Track

Repurposing of existing drugs for new indications and development of technologies for vulnerable and disabled communities

Repurposing & Vulnerable Communities Track


SPARK TEL AVIV is a mentoring program created to accelerate scientific discoveries with a high potential impact on therapeutics by bridging the gap between academic research and the healthcare industry.


Our mission is to help researchers from TAU and affiliated hospitals overcome the obstacles involved in moving their early discoveries from bench to bedside by directing and facilitating their translational research.



Repurposing & Vulnerable Communities Track:

Repurposing & Vulnerable Communities Track offers grants for the development of approved or investigational drugs that are outside the scope of the original medical indication, OR the development of technologies for vulnerable and disabled communities. 


This track is focused on giving the chance to all people - especially to those with the fewest resources - providing access to opportunities they need to succeed in life.


The program will support expenses needed for taking the project toward implementation, including market survey, regulatory consultancy, medicinal chemistry support, product design, and engineering efforts required for reaching commercial quality and clinical readiness.


Admitted projects will receive milestone-based funds to support and de-risk each project, up to $100,000 per project/year, for a maximum of 2 years. Funded projects will receive continuous education programs, mentorship, and access to expert advisors at all stages of product development.


For the call for proposal PDF version click here >>


Your Benefits:

  • Project management support and mentorship
  • Fund to support and de-risk your project
  • Advice from industry leaders
  • Education on drug development, medical devices and diagnostics 
  • Participation in a community of inventors and entrepreneurs
  • Access to investors and experts with commercialization experience
  • Membership in the international SPARK network
  • Support for bringing your invention to the clinic
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