Gastroenthrology Research

Gastroenthrology Research
Gastroenthrology Research

​Preventing post-surgical colorectal cancer metastases: 
A novel approach based on perioperative pharmacological
blockade ​of stress-inflammatory responses                                                           

Modality: Small Molecules, Repurposing


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  • Prof. Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu, PI, Sagol school of neuroscience
  • Prof. Oded Zmora, PI, Asaf HaRofeh Medical Center
  • Itay Recon, Sagol school of neuroscience
  • Rita Krigman, Sagol school of neuroscience
  • Anabel Eckerling, Sagol school of neuroscience


​Restoring the Function of APC in Colorectal Cancer Syndromes                                                           

Modality: Small Molecules, Repurposing


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