Improved EHDV-TAU oncolytic virotherapy

Improved EHDV-TAU oncolytic virotherapy

Improved EHDV-TAU oncolytic virotherapy

Modality: Biologic

An oncolytic virus for melanoma tumors with defective interferon signaling, designed as a potent, specific and safe therapy.  Promising in-vivo murine melanoma model shows potential for development as a mono or an add-on to chemotherapy or check-point inhibitors


Outline and unmet need

On Nov. 2015 the FDA approved the first oncolytic virus based treatment. Oncolytic viruses are a promising category of anti-cancer therapeutic agents that have a dual action: 

  1. kill cancer cells directly and specifically and -
  2. stimulate of anti-tumor immunity.


The currently approved therapy enhances a durable response in a small subset of prostate cancer patients, leaving the majority of the patients as non-responders.


Viral characteristics such as size, genome composition, lytic abilities etc. determine the interactions of oncolytic viruses with cancer cells. There is a need for an oncolytic virus with markedly different characteristics to target the non-responding prostate cancer patients.


Our solution

  • EHDV-TAU - Directed evolution enabled to develop a novel oncolytic virus,. A clone of the epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus matured on interferon-defective human prostate cells. 
  • EHDV-TAU - An oncolytic virus for melanoma tumors with defective interferon signaling, designed as a potent, specific and safe therapy.  


Current Development Stage

  • Promising in-vivo murine melanoma model shows potential for development as a mono or an add-on to chemotherapy or check-point inhibitors



Provisional patent application was filed on the novel viral agent and its use in the treatment of cancer.



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